Even here in New England, where the sun isn’t exactly shining all year round, taking…

Watering Tips
From natural rain water to automatic sprinkler systems, watering is another crucial detail in growing and maintaining a beautiful lawn throughout the whole year. Although watering is just one puzzle piece, it is important to start the lawn off with regular watering if possible to send turf into the summer fully hydrated and functioning. If you have an inground irrigation system or are able to water on a regular basis please follow these recommendations if you’re unsure of the when and how long to water
- Early mornings between 4 and 9 am
- Baseline starting point of 30 minutes per zone in spring for sunny areas
- 20 minutes for densely shaded areas
- Every other day
- Avoid afternoon watering
- On days above 85 degrees short, 5 minute afternoon watering cycles are permitted
The above watering recommendations can and will change as the temperature increases throughout the season. We recognize that every lawn is different and soil permeability can vary from site to site depending on the soil’s structural characteristics. In any case if you feel unsure with correct watering techniques for your property please contact your Lawn Care Representative or our office.
When it comes to restricted watering capabilities because of no automatic sprinkler system we recommend to water when you can. We will take into account the watering hardships and will try to accommodate your property if rain is in the extended forecast when it is time for your treatments.